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    Polymer clay jewelry

    Polymer clay jewelry

    More "classic" looking pieces of jewelry.

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    "key to my heart" pendant

    A beautiful pendant with a key charm, a purple cat's eye heart and a bolo tie bead.


    Faux lapis, silver and gold set

    This gorgeous set has been made in the style of Konstantino jewelry.


    Faux antique Egyptian scarab bracelet

    Piece made in the style of ancient Egypt's talismanic jewelry


    Faux Condor Agate set

    Beautiful set of two bangles and ear rings


    Faux copper heat patina bracelet cuff

    One of my dearest techniques - faux metal. In this one, it's faux copper with heat patina.


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    Want to see  even more interesting tutorials? I love sharing what I know, but I need materials to create. As a disabled cancer survivor I cannot afford to buy much, and sometimes it's an effort to buy just the polymer clay I need.

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