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    Faux Pietersite tutorial - basic package

    Availability: 99997
    Weight: 0.00kg

    Price: $22.99

    This is a very comprehensive tutorial. In consists of one PDF file and four short (ish) videos.

    The PDF file introduces you to the fabulous gemstone Pietersite - how it appeared, why it looks the way it does, so you can understand better what you try to imitate. As my old art teacher used to say "in order to imitate something, one must know it; in order to successfully imitate something, one must understand it".

    Then you also get a lot, and I mean A LOT of color recipes for this technique, both in as-it-comes Premo as well as DIY color mixes with other materials.

    Then explanations on how to combine colors and patterns, and more useful advice

    The videos are as follows:

    1. How to create the stormclouds pattern - method 1

    2. How to create the stormclouds pattern - method 2

    3. How to make cabochons using molds - because you must do it in a specific way to obtain the beautiful effects

    4. How to make designer cabochons



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    Want to see  even more interesting tutorials? I love sharing what I know, but I need materials to create. As a disabled cancer survivor I cannot afford to buy much, and sometimes it's an effort to buy just the polymer clay I need.

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