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    Coming soon

    So what are we looking at for July?

    1. Live streaming right here on the website! Yay! No, it will not be linked to a Youtube or Facebook live feed! It will be Kalyana's own live stream!

    Not only that, but there will be levels of access - some of my streams will be totally free access, no membership required (not even the free one) Some of them will be only for the registered members of my website - as in the free membership members.

    And some will be sponsor-only. Remember, as a Tier 0 sponsor, you will have access to the sponsor-only live once a month, on the last Friday of the month (unless otherwise announced due to weather conditions - I live in Oklahoma, after all)

    2. A big overhaul in the look of the website. I hope to be able to make things much easier for you to find  and more appealing to the eye. As you might have noticed, some of the articles already have animated gifs in the short presentation of the article - that way you can see ahead of time what is in that article.

    3. More reviews and not only - let's call them more of "instructions on how to use this, this and that". Again, some of these will be full public access, and some will be for registered members only (free membership).

    Don't forget! Now there is a discussion forum - you must be a registered member to participate. You can input your suggestions for tutorials, ask for advice, and more!


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