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    First tutorial

    I'm late again. So yes, yesterday I spent all day long making tutorial videos.

    First setback - I couldn't find an LED desk lamp. I used to have one, and threw it away like an idiot. Now you can't find them anymore - they used to be around $10. The cheapest you can find now are $20. Also, swivel adjustable arm lamps are now over $35 - and those are the regular light bulb ones.

    The nice LED ones are over $80. So I will have to come up with some kind of rigging for that.

    Second setback - well not really a setback, as I managed to do a temporary thing - was with rigging the camera so it would show just my hands and work space close up. Well, did that.

    Then after I taped the first clip, when trying to tape the next one, had the nasty surprise to find out that the "free" video capture software I had downloaded was not free, was free for only an hour. So I had to look for and install another one. Couldn't use the built-in camera capture of Windows 8 due to poor frame rate.

    Installed the second software and only after I had taped everything, when I started editing, I realized I had chosen a wrong type of file that doesn't work in Movie Maker. So I had to "translate" everything in AVI and of course some quality got lost in translation.

    Well I did finish everything though. Not the quality I wanted, but it will work for starters. It's uploading on youtube as I'm typing this. 11% done. So probably it will take another couple hours to finish as the final video came up about 47 minutes long. I need to just stop talking and caption everything, so the videos are shorter and will take less time to process and upload.
    So here we go

    Central America inspired necklace

    In the meantime, meet my fuzzy cat Conor. I had to make him part of my tutorials. You'll see him in the end of the video. Yes, he does sit like that. He also loves to have his belly rubbed. I mean, really loves it, not like other cats who just entice you so they can grab and scratch and bite you.

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